Take Personal Inventory
Career Skills Assessment
Once you set-up your profile in the I AM Top Talent app, you will be seamlessly directed to take our Career Match Assessment. This tool will help you identify your natural strengths and abilities and we will use this information to serve up the career paths that you demonstrate a propensity to be the most successful in.
Certainly you’ve tested your IQ or Intelligence Quotient, but have you ever measured your Social and Emotional Intelligence or SEIQ?
What is SE-IQ? In short, it is the ability to be aware of ourselves and others; and, using that awareness to manage ourselves and relationships with others. SE-IQ encompasses many skill sets, including building bonds, working in teams, stress management, resilience, managing conflict, building trust and much more.
Why is this important? Well, research shows that emotional intelligence is proven to matter twice as much as one’s technical knowledge or IQ when assessing the quality of a leader, and employers understand this concept. People with a high SE-IQ tend to perform better academically and on the job, are better equipped to manage life’s challenges and they have healthier relationships.
The SEIP is a profile that analyzes the 26-indicators of Social Emotional Intelligence. You can instantly see strengths and potential vulnerabilities when it comes to social and emotional intelligence. It describes specific behaviors of individuals who demonstrate high S+EI competency as well as the behaviors of individuals lacking in core competencies. Our profile report also provides specific developmental suggestions for improving upon each S+EI competency.
In order to learn more about your own SE-IQ, we’d like to invite you to take the Social Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP) by clicking the link below or via the I AM Top Talent app.
Frankly, it doesn’t matter if you want to be employed, be an entrepreneur, or be a hybrid of the two; the SEIP offers an analysis of the skills that you will need to succeed in work and in life. It’s better to know now than to be surprised by misused strengths and weaknesses later.
Learn and Grow
There is always more to know! As you learn more about yourself and how you will handle certain situations, you will be better equipped to work well with others.
Once you understand where there are strengths and where there are vulnerabilities in your own Social Emotional Intelligence Profile, work to build those areas through our eLearning courses offered in the I AM Top Talent app. Though eLearning courses can be taken without an SEIP, we’d strongly recommend taking the SEIP prior to selecting courses. These interactive courses are complete with videos, group discussions, online chats and social media integrations and can be taken at your own pace without traveling to a classroom. The material can be viewed when you have time and reviewed as often as you need.
You can earn double stripes and enhance your skill set by attending a campus-based Ex-Conference. An Ex-Conference is not your average conference; it is a highly interactive, developmental seminar where participants learn how to improve themselves and address complex, yet sensitive personal and professional issues. Ex-Conferences offer hands-on activities and a take-home toolkit that promotes self-exploration and practice on how to form new habits. NIA doesn’t abandon you there. Participants are encouraged to join one of our 40-day Challenges.
I AM Top Talent offers a holistic approach to maximizing a participant’s human and leadership potential. Our curriculum is rooted in the research-based 26-indicators of Social-Emotional Intelligence (SE-IQ) and designed to not only build personal qualities but workplace habits, attitudes and social graces that foster emotionally healthy, well-rounded and adaptable professionals and contributors to society.
Transformational Coaching
If you’ve ever done a self-led 30-day challenge you know that self-discipline wears thin by about day 4. We know this too, which is why we have Transformational Coaches available to lead participants through a 40-Day Coaching Challenge that will help each person confront their biggest barriers to growth. To ensure integration with their new skills, we encourage Ex-Conference participants to follow-up the event with coaching. However, 40-Day Coaching Challenges are now available to those who have not been able to attend an Ex-Conference but have completed at least one eLearning course.
The 40-Day Coaching Challenges equip young leaders with the know-how, tools and support system to influence others and manage their personality, emotions and behavior. These are the skills that will likely influence how you will excel on a career pathway in entrepreneurship, business, industry, government and nonprofits.
The 40-Day Coaching Challenges is a great opportunity to begin bonding with peers as a part of our learning communities. NIA learning communities provide a space for continuous improvement, collective responsibility and support for individual or group goals.
Earn Your Stripes
Take control of your career. Take control of your life! Each time you successfully complete an eLearning course, attend an Ex-Conference or complete a coaching series, you will Earn Your Stripes. This badge system gives emerging young professionals a competitive edge as they strengthen vulnerable areas and develop employment competencies.
The I AM Top Talent badging system will not only document your successes, it will demonstrate your commitment to your own personal and professional development – a vetting tool commonly used by employers. As you persist in the program, you will come to realize the importance of honing and marketing your skills as a means of differentiating yourself from your counterparts when seeking employment in today’s global workforce.
Employer-Talent Matching
Take control of your career. Take control of your life! Each time you successfully complete an eLearning course, attend an Ex-Conference or complete a coaching series, you will Earn Your Stripes. This badge system gives emerging young professionals a competitive edge as they strengthen vulnerable areas and develop employment competencies.
The I AM Top Talent badging system will not only document your successes, it will demonstrate your commitment to your own personal and professional development – a vetting tool commonly used by employers. As you persist in the program, you will come to realize the importance of honing and marketing your skills as a means of differentiating yourself from your counterparts when seeking employment in today’s global workforce.
Staff Services
In addition to career matching, NIA offers staffing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations to offer students (Junior Professionals) a work experience and an opportunity to develop business acumen, work ethic and interpersonal skills. NIA offers its Junior Professionals a flexible, part time work schedule that includes virtual and onsite tasks.