Are You Ready?
NIA has plans to improve America’s pool of employable candidates by creating opportunities, supports and tools for them to become Top Talent. While we are working hard within our team, we know we can do more together with other like-minded individuals, member organizations, fraternities, sororities, and student groups.
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations that also see the urgency for developing top talent for America’s future workforce. Let’s collaborate.
We invite you to join the movement to help America Get A.R.M.D. with Top Talent. Becoming a partner is easy and there are several options. Here’s how:
- Educate Top Talent
- Volunteer as a guest speaker.
- Facilitate a workshop.
- Engage with Top Talent
- Participate in our Ex-Conferences.
- Host a Job Shadowing Day.
- Empower with Top Talent
- Volunteer as Career Coach.
- Become a Group Mentor for students majoring or interested in your position, field, or industry.
- Employ with Top Talent
- Register your internships or entry level positions in our Employer-Talent Matching portal
Business & Industry
We want you as a partner – not just a sponsor!
Cultivating Top Talent is not a luxury - it’s a business imperative - and it will take the combined efforts of for-profits, non-profits and government in order to meet your business needs and ensure America’s economic competitiveness.
Naledge In Action provides premier opportunities to showcase your business, products and services as well as interact virtually and face to face with hundreds of young professionals as they develop critical workforce readiness skills that are proven to increase productivity, workplace performance, and employee retention.
Furthermore, your company can build brand recognition and market its goods and services to prospective employees who are key decision makers of consumer purchases with tremendous buying power. Moreover, your partnership will create a meaningful and memorable connection to your brand far beyond any one module or event. Our partners enjoy quality interactions that amplify their reach with an influential target market and increase revenue opportunities.
Naledge In Action has a variety of ways for us to partner in the creation of a robust and qualified talent pipeline. Here are just a few:
- Access to highly qualified candidates through the Employer-Talent Matching Service
- Branding and promotion on the I Am Top Talent app
- Branding and promotion on the I Am Top Talent social media platforms
- 30-second video clip as a co-facilitator of a learning module in the e-Learning curriculum
- Ex-Conference Sponsorship and Remarks
- Coaching Program Sponsorship and Remarks
School Systems & Universities
Need Help with Student Retention and Graduation?
Why should school systems and universities partner with NIA? It’s simple. Employers are not the only institutions affected when students are not prepared for the workforce.
Let Us Help You Train Your Students
As early as high school, NIA cultivates leaders from the inside out by developing students’ social and emotional intelligence making each student more self-aware. Self-aware students are more likely to pick the appropriate field of study instead of changing majors several times, reducing the amount of student debt and drop-outs. Socially and emotionally intelligent students are more likely to perform better academically and remain in college through graduation so that they will have the competitive edge that will land them a career. Through coursework, coaching and Experiential Conferences, NIA helps students learn and practice the good habits required by employers and chips away at the bad habits and barriers to success. NIA is the supplement to a college education that benefits the whole student and that student’s contribution to the university s/he attends.
It is for these reasons that we believe NIA is not only a talent solution company but a strategic tool for high school and college retention and graduation.
Contact Tracey Knight today!
Let Us Help You Train Your Faculty, Staff and Teachers
K-12 schools, colleges and universities are charged with the important mission of educating young people. But a high performing school or institution is the byproduct of high performing teams operating in a healthy organizational culture. Culture is intangible, but it’s essential: you can walk into a school or on a campus and know immediately whether you want to be there or not. The same thing goes for the students, and the staff. But just because culture is intangible doesn’t mean that it’s undefinable. And just knowing that school culture is important and even knowing what makes for good school culture doesn’t guarantee that schools and institutional leadership will be able to create it.
Let our partner help!
Visit InView Empowerment for more information on school culture assessments and strategies, staff training, executive and leadership coaching, technical assistance and consulting services.