upgrade your faith to match your destiny - TM"
High School Student
N'Naserri Carew-Johnson, 11th Grader, West Lake High School (ATL) 2016
After attending the 2015 You Revealed Women’s Empowerment Conference co-hosted by Naledge In Action, my mindset about women empowerment has changed. The experience gave me and other NIA participants the opportunity to meet older women from all walks of life - entrepreneurs, painters, therapists and more! As a high schooler, it was amazing to have a platform to network with women who have walked the same path I am on, and succeeded through the love and belief of God.
The conference set up stations for young women to either hone their crafts or learn new ones. Witnessing women of all ages take ownership of their lives, learn about themselves, and express their vulnerability moved me. It has influenced me to continue on my path - not just for personal greatness but for the betterment of my community and the individuals residing in it.
College Student
Simone Howard, Senior Biology Major, Clark Atlanta University 2016
Naledge In Action has given me multiple opportunities to gain work and entrepreneurial experiences. I am a student entrepreneur who has started a personal-care product line. During the 2015 You Revealed Ex-Conference co-hosted by Naledge In Action (NIA), I served as a paid intern. Not only did I assist in the logistical planning but I was invited to provide samples of my product for the guests (i.e., soaps and body wash). This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone and I have benefited tremendously, both personally and professionally. I was put in a position where I could learn from and speak to strangers about what it means to be the best me. I got a chance to see the background set up of a well-organized and helpful conference, and I was able to do this with a tight group of people that I hope to keep in contact with well after graduation. NIA not only teaches the values of etiquette and business, but builds great friendships and mentorship that will last a lifetime.
College Student
Zhane' Jackson Senior Biology Major, Clark Atlanta University 2016
Ms. Tracey Knight has been an amazing mentor to me. One thing I absolutely love about her is that she sticks to her truth. She does not sugar coat anything with us as her mentees, instead she challenges us to reach beyond our expectations. Ms. Tracey started doing webinars online to introduce her Life Coach program to college students. I loved how she told us her story and it made me feel like I can be more vulnerable with her in sharing things that may impact my life. I also served as a Junior Professional intern for her 2015 You Revealed Women’s Empowerment Conference which was co-hosted by Naledge In Action (NIA). I wanted to serve on this project because I loved her purpose: “to address the social and emotional needs of women who want to enjoy the benefits of lower stress, higher personal and professional achievement and greater satisfaction in all relationships.” I had the pleasure of coordinating many of the logistics leading up to the big empowerment day. Just by setting up, I felt the love, the joy, and peacefulness of what would be happening at the event. What I love about Ms. Tracey is that she makes sure we know that we can achieve anything we want to in life no matter what our current circumstances may be. She has helped me to strive for my dreams, and with this support I have been able to persist in college. This year, I will graduate and I have been accepted into veterinary school. I have had the pleasure for being a mentee under Ms. Tracey Knight for three years, and I look forward to having her in my life for many years to come.
College Graduate
Eugene Q. Smith Jr., 2015 Graduate, Georgia State University
Tracey Knight is a phenomenal leader. She has led multiple organizations and exemplifies the characteristics of a true leader. For four years, she served as a mentor to me and my fellow brothers in the Leadership Academy for African-American Males. Not only did she make herself available as a sounding board, she worked diligently to help us hone our employment skills, networking and secure employment opportunities. Ms. Knight’s help has been invaluable. Upon receiving my Accounting degree from Georgia State University in 2015, she eagerly connected me with professionals who could contribute to my professional growth. As a result of the advice and support she gave me, I have been able to land my first job! I am excited to know that Ms. Knight is expanding her outreach through Naledge In Action. Now college students across the country can benefit from the same support I received in school and will have a better chance at improving their skills, graduating and having a promising career.
College Student
Avery Ebron, Senior, Finance Major, Syracuse University
My name is Avery Ebron and I am currently a student attending Syracuse University. In two months, my collegiate journey will be complete as I will be graduating with honors from Syracuse with a degree in Finance. Upon my reflection of my trek through college and how I was able to get to this point, Tracey Knight stands out as a pivotal figure in my journey. Her role as an advocate has been invaluable as she provided me with various leadership, employment, and scholarship opportunities such as Treasurer of the GPC Leadership Academy and as the President of the Leadership Academy Chess Club. Her presence as a mentor was invaluable: her advice on how to navigate the unfamiliar collegiate environment, how to approach the process of choosing a major and career path, and her reprimands when I was making costly mistakes were vital to my development as a student and as an individual. The commitment to excellence and to service that Tracey Knight has impressed upon me in our interactions continues to pay dividends for me today. When I cross the stage to complete my collegiate journey in two months, I will accept my degree not only on my behalf, but on behalf of those who were instrumental in my scholastic path, on behalf of individuals such as Tracey Knight. The selflessness exemplified by her actions on my behalf and on the behalf of others helped to inspire me to become an economic development professional so that I can provide and facilitate opportunities for underserved communities.
College Student
Anquania Davis, Senior, Clark Atlanta University, B.S. Candidate Biology
Tenacious Relentless Affirmative Counselor Entrepreneur Youthful
If you ever want to find a woman that classifies being independent, unapologetic, realist, and a diva then Tracey is the treasure. Outside of my immediate family, I never had a mentor until I begin working with National Cares. Of course, I had some former coaches and teachers I may had looked up to but, a complete stranger that was NOT afraid to tell you about yourself and hold you for accountability and responsibility.
Over the past 3 years I have been blessed with an amazing opportunity to be under Tracey's guidance as her mentee. She's shown me so much with being a mentor, confidant, and teacher. In all honesty kind of what an aunt would embody. Her mentoring has help elevate and mold me into the woman that I am still discovering. There's these two quotes she always use and they stick so much "what they see they will become" and "exposure meets expectation". It stands out so much because since day one, she practice what she preaches by delivering opportunities; She's a woman who leads by example and Tracey has help me with setting the bar on a mental, physical, and emotional stance. I know from my personal encounters often times she's hard on me only because I know she recognize the potential and greatness God has on my life and she find ways to push them out without pacifying. For that I am forever grateful!
Tracey, thank you for being the woman that you are and I appreciate everything you have taught me. I think they should put you on BGR because you are a Black Woman Who ROCKS!
College Student
Lexus Tahaira James, Clark Atlanta University, Undergraduate Senior Biological Science Majorl
ATo sum up what The Tracey Knight has done for me as a mentor, life coach, teacher and the list goes on be it that she does wear many hats in my life could never be done justice in one paragraph but I'll try. Ms. Tracey has taught me how to challenge myself to not only surpass expectations that world has set for me but to set my bar extremely high all the while striving to surpass even that goal. Through meeting Ms. Tracey I learned how to always hold myself accountable through all decisions I make thus living life as my authentic self. I can honestly say that had I not been presented with the opportunity to meet such a courageously dynamic woman, I believe I would still be leading the life that I thought other people want for me better yet what they defined as being a successful life for me. Through her guidance I have embraced my truth and what I see as success for me. Most importantly she has helped me begin the process of breaking down the walls I had build around myself and that has been the greatest part about having someone who cares enough about you to challenge you to face the you that has been hidden behind a mask for so long that even you believed that was the authentic side of you.
Maya Hackett
I've known Ms. Tracey Knight for 4 years. She is a role model and mentor to me. I know that I can go to her for anything and talk to her about anything because when she speaks it opens my eyes to reality and the bigger picture behind the situation. She is a great speaker and motivator. When I am around Ms. Tracey, all I get is positive vibes because she is such a vibrant and positive person. I've connected with Ms. Tracey on a personal level because she related to me well. She has taught me to see my tendency to be quiet and introverted as a personal strength and not a weakness. No matter what I am going through, she demonstrates compassion, empathy and her words are always very moving. Ms. Tracey is a phenomenal woman. She touches anybody that she comes in contact with and I am one of those individuals. I'm grateful to have her in my life.